Combine Segments

Combine Segments

When sending out marketing content, you often want to combine one or more segments to create your full audience.

Earlier this had to be done by creating a new segment for each combination of your segments. This resulted in more work, and a lot of segments that might was used one or a couple of times.

Microsoft have now lauched new functionality in the journey creator in Customer Insigths – Journey where you can choose more than one to start the journey

This reduce the amounts of segments needed a lot. having three segments as shown above would end up with 7 segments to have all possible combinations, and this is just with 3 different base segments.

  • Segment A
  • Segment B
  • Segment C
  • Segment A + Segment B
  • Segment A + Segment C
  • Segment B + Segment C
  • Segment A + Segment B + Segment C

There are some limitations on these combinations

  • You have to use a static segment og a repeating journey. The option «A one-time journey where newly added audience memeber can start any time» is currently not supported.
  • Only works for real time segments
  • Your segments must be of the same type, either contacts or leads, no mixing allowed.
  • Maximum 25 segments

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